Van Mechelen, Dr. Marcelle
- Photo:
- Title: Dr.
- First name: Marcelle
- Surname: Van Mechelen
- Position: Ph.D., Independent senior scientific advisor in the fields of vaccine, autoimmunity, oncology and regenerative medicine (Belgium)
Marcelle Van Mechelen is a seasoned senior scientific executive with over 30 years of experience in vaccinology and immunology.
Marcelle obtained her PhD immunology and started her scientific career as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Free University of Brussels and Erasme Hospital in Belgium.
During 20 years, she led various multidisciplinary teams at GlaxoSmithKline Vaccine focusing on preclinical and clinical research, exploring fields such as new vaccine design and mechanism of protection against infectious diseases, auto-immune diseases and cancer. In her functions at GSK, Marcelle headed research on mechanism of actions of adjuvants, deciphering interlink between innate and adaptive immune response induced following vaccination, and led the development and implementation of preclinical and clinical immune monitoring tools.
Since 2015, she has been as senior consultant supporting biotechnology companies in the fields of vaccine, autoimmunity, oncology and regenerative medicine.
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