Committed to transforming
the treatment of severe, chronic
autoimmune diseases.

Committed to transforming
the treatment of severe, chronic
autoimmune diseases.

Vander Elst, Luc

  • Photo:
  • First name: Luc
  • Surname: Vander Elst
  • Position: TecOps Director

Luc Vander Elst has been part of Imcyse’s management team since its inception and worked for over 20 years on the Company’s technology. He is in charge of research and development management, ImotopeTM design and development as well as preclinical research and development. Luc holds an Engineering degree in Chemistry option Biochemistry and an M.Sc. in Immunology and genetic from the Catholic University of Leuven (KUL), and worked as a researcher for KUL in the Immunology Group of the Center for Vascular and Molecular Biology which is at the origin of Imcyse’s technology.


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