Committed to transforming
the treatment of severe, chronic
autoimmune diseases.

Committed to transforming
the treatment of severe, chronic
autoimmune diseases.

Lonneux, Christel

  • Photo:
  • First name: Christel
  • Surname: Lonneux
  • Position: Finance and HR Director

Christel Lonneux has been part of the Imcyse’s team since January 2022. In January 2024 she was appointed Finance and HR Director. She oversees (financial) management activities and strategy to ensure Imcyse’s success. In addition, she ensures compliance with employment law and oversees performance management, aligned with the company’s goals.
Prior to joining Imcyse, Christel worked for 14 years as a corporate auditor; of which more than 10 years were with PwC. She was Senior Manager in charge of the audit of Belgian and international companies in various sectors such as business, industry, biotech and hospitals. Christel holds a Master’s in management from the Management School of the University of Liège and a Master’s specializing in Analysis, Control and Auditing. She is a certified auditor since 2016.


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